Friday, June 26, 2009

The way we see it, there are two kinds of kid's T-shirt designs in this world: clever lines and cool designs.

The way we see it, street wear is often a brilliant combination of the two, while you have to choose one or the other for the youngsters.

The way we see it, regardless of the subject matter, street wear's colors/patterns/prints are inevitably striking, and so often you're relegated to soft pinks, blues and yellows in kid's apparel, especially for babies.

With this gaping disparity in mind, we came up with PRE-K...a company devoted to pop re-appropriation for kids. We're interested in creating clothing that deals with the world of the 5-and-under set — you know the lexicon: crayons and cooties, monkey bars and time out. Time to remember the world of the kid without making it into a joke — I swear if I see one more "got milk?" onesie I'm gonna get all Wayne Brady up on somebody.

Anyway, I digress. We're really excited about our first line of onesies and T-shirts that we've created to this end. Right now, we're in the final stages of production and are starting to get the word out to vendors we think will be interested in what we're offering.

The point of this blog will just be to keep you abreast with all our newest activity — be it the latest stickers we're producing to changes to our Web site, getting the word out about our latest charitable donation (happening tomorrow...more to come) or whatever else is happening for PRE-K.

So that's it for now. We'll be keeping up with this regularly, so come on back soon!
