Saturday, September 19, 2009

keep on keepin on

hi friends!!

it has been a while...but i suppose that's good since it purely because we have been so busy!!

it's fashion season everywhere, so it's more than enough to keep B and I incredibly busy, between events, travel,day jobs and of course our pride and joy PreK Apparel. We have been fortunate enough not only to be retailed on, but we have gotten significant blog support from the Karmaloop family and HUGE thanks and props to the talented and lovely folks who have invested in the success of our brand by blogging and spreading the word about our big Debut...this means you Andrew, Dina, Greg and Stella the Stellar :o)

Things are really rolling along too! We've sold enough on Karmaloop for them to place a reorder with us after less than 2 weeks!!!!!!!!! We have already fulfilled and shipped that out to maintain this incredible momentum...and we will see what happens next!

We have also been approached by other streetwear retailers interested in carrying PreK and so we are in the process of making that happen as well...we are also about to keep it 100% local by sourcing our blanks right here in good old Mass USA...which will help us on a number of levels!!

Our lookbook has gone to print and once that is done we will arm Brian with them and send him out into the world to spread the PreK gospel...hopefully to a receptive audience.

I just have to keep thanking everyone who has shown support of any kind to us and our effort because we really could not have not gotten anywhere without you all. Even if it was just listening to us obsess about our ideas and the details of this helped us get through and not lose our damn minds...although we may not be out of the woods on that count yet hahahahaha

Here we are working again on the weekend...but you gotta be a warrior if you want to be anywhere close to success... so, we will keep on keepin on and grind as hard as time will let us...despite the long hours this season demands, we love it and would not change being involved to this extent for anything in the world!!!!!!!

Happy Fall Fashion to you all and I hope that you enjoy this season as much as we do!

More as it falls in our lap :o)

R & B

Monday, September 7, 2009

The test

Well it's been quite a whirlwind since shooting our lookbook! We have scarecely had a chance to sleep let alone blog...but finally here I am finally!
We have since shot our lookbook, which went shockingly well!! I am so impressed with our little models and to an even greater extent, the parents who really knew how to engage these kids so we get our shots...I sure as hell am not as capable!!! Mad props to you guys!! Also our Photog Joe knew just how to get in and get those and get back out
We did our product and model shots at Karmaloop's headquarters last Monday and that also went well, you can check it out here on our product page...

It's a scary time...this is the test that will tell us whether we alone appreciate the product we have built and whether we have any hope to continue on after this round, and whether spending so much time on the details was even worth it...It's ironic, it being a line for young kids and new parents because we feel like we have nurtured this baby for so long now; making it into what we want it to be and trying to have it stand out from the rest and now we're exposing it to the critique of so many by turning it loose into the fashion world...will anyone love it as much as we do?? Repect it for what it is?? Read to it at night??...ok maybe I need to step back and not obsess let it go :o)

Only time will tell I suppose...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Kids and Animals

The phrase "never work with kids and animals" is dead wrong.

Sure, when working with kids you sometimes experience the occasional melt-down (from the kids, too), and I've found that animals don't take direction very well. But this weekend we discovered that working with kids and animals together is a mutually beneficial arrangement.

This past Sunday morning we set out to Boston's Franklin Park Zoo to shoot our line for our "look book." At ten sharp we marched a group of nearly thirty people — parents, kids, models, photographer, et al — through the zoo gates. The nine children in tow sported our gear paired with lots of unbelievably cute items for kids (photos to come).

The idea: dress 'em up, let 'em roam and shoot away. Joe Prezioso was our photographer, and God bless him, he hardly had a moment to breathe. He flitted from one cute kid doing a cute thing to the next, and it went on this way for about two hours.

Anyway, my point is that there's nothing handier than a zebra to keep a kid from having a full-blown melt-down. "Look, a giraffe!" and suddenly any tears teetering on a child's bottom lids are actually sucked back into the ducts. Miracles, those wild creatures are.

Generally, animals like being around kids, too. Kids are ever-likely to unwittingly drop bits of food here and there, not to mention the extra morsels they seem to constantly have sticking to their faces and hands.

So yes, working with kids AND animals proved to be quite a success on Sunday. Now I've just got to manage to work like an animal to put this book together without throwing a tantrum of my own.