Monday, November 23, 2009

The November Breakdown

Dear Blogspot,
It's been one month since our last entry. Here's what's new:

>>COMPLETE name it, we've got it in stock. Currently we're sitting on well over 1000 shirts & onesies from our fall collection.

>>NEW SALES!! Including some great guys from a Boston-based street wear shop We also drove down to NYC two weeks ago, and met Tyi, one of the buyers for Yellow Rat Bastard (we're up on their sales floor). She was awesome! Thanks for hooking us up, Tyi (pronounced Tie-EE, just in case you're on Broadway in Soho, drop by and tell her we sent ya ;).

>>Beginning talks with E-COMMERCE SOLUTIONS professionals. We've given in to everyone who asks why we don't sell directly on our site, and with any luck we'll have our own store up and running by the new year.

>>NEW PRODUCT SHOTS up online. While the drawings of our clothing were fun, we want people to see the goods, ya know? We shot the real McCoys with some help from our splendid photographer Nick Ryan. Good lookin out, Nick!!

>>On the flip-side, we're also beginning to see some of the nastier side of this industry — already we've got a store that seems to be ducking us for payment. Not naming names (yet), but it seems clear they don't realize we're deeply affiliated with tons of the brands they carry! R may have to call in some favors, embargo their asses and TEACH THESE MOTHERFUCKERS WHO THEY DEALING WITH. And I hope they're reading this, too.

No sweat, tho, we're doing great! Still getting great press, still getting calls for orders and we haven't even started making sales calls yet! More news as it happens, kids!!!